
As we write this welcome piece in late July, the sun has finally decided to shine!  

Since our last bulletin, we have had some excellent opportunities involving our Experts by Experience which you can read about below. Some of this was prompted by Co-production week (1st – 5th July) when we were able to showcase some really inspiring work by Nina and Julie.  Some of the work we do comes out of the sharing of our Experts by Experience at their peer support meeting.  Experiences are brought together, themes are aired and discussed and from that actions are agreed.

We hope you enjoy reading our latest news and catching up on lots of local opportunities for support and wellbeing across Derbyshire. If you have some relevant information you would like included in a future bulletin do let us know by emailing ddicb.mentalhealthtogether@nhs.net. Most importantly we wish you a good summer! 

In our July 2024 E-bulletin:

  • Expert Nina's involvement in co-produced staff training
  • Expert Shelagh shares her experiences encouraging a collective voice to psychiatrists
  • Expert John and peers co-created a well-being drop-in which is coming up to its first birthday!

And much more!

Showcasing values of co-production

In May's edition, we heard from Nina (Expert by Experience) and Julie (Nurse Clinician) about their work on creating risk assessment e-learning training which will be mandatory for all clinical staff at Derbyshire Healthcare.

Recently, Niki from Mental Health Together chatted to Nina and Julie about their experience of co-producing this training. This recording was shared with a full room of more than 80 people at a Co-production event on 2nd July 2024 attended by professionals who are keen to learn more about co-production.

The development of the Co-production Framework and resources are available on the Joined-Up Care Derbyshire website.

Also, Derbyshire Healthcare Foundation Trust have created a new Staff Intranet Co-production page using our Good Practice Guide. In addition to resources, the page also lists the Co-production Champions in the Trust. Co-production champions have experience of working in a co-produced way and are happy to encourage their colleagues and share tips.


Co-production video recording of Nina, Julie and Niki shown to professionals who are keen to co-produce

"Really liked the video, I think that was the most inspiring part of the afternoon" 

Lynn Dunham, Care Standards Co-ordinator and Carer Involvement Lead at Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Experts share their views on prescribing and reviewing medications

Recently, one of our Experts by Experience shared their experiences of prescribing and reviewing of medication with fellow Experts. This conversation sparked a meeting between Shelagh (Expert by Experience), Dr Stephen Jones (Chief Pharmacist Derbyshire Healthcare and Chair of Derbyshire Pharmacy Faculty) and Dr Rais Ahmed (Clinical Director at Derbyshire Healthcare).

From this initial meeting came an invite for Mental Health Together to attend the Medical Senate meeting with psychiatrists from across Derby and Derbyshire.

Many voices of lived experiences were shared and personal examples from recent and past experiences on hospital wards and in the community.  Some of the key points were that people do not feel their medication is reviewed regularly enough with them. They also feel that better and more accessible information should be made available. And most importantly they want a good therapeutic relationship with their psychiatrist so that decisions are made between patient and psychiatrist in a trusting and open manner. We're pleased to report that we received an open and interested response:

"It was extremely powerful to hear feedback directly from Carer Experts and Experts by Experience of their contact with our services. Rose, Jean, Sandra, Hazel & Shelagh gave a valuable insight into how they experience services. Speaking about both how services can do better, and what "good" looks like. Thank you for sharing your feedback, which certainly gave me a lot to think about!"

- Dr Kopal Tandon, Consultant Psychiatrist at Kingsway Hospital Derby.

Several actions were agreed from the meeting. Arun Chidambaram (Medical Director) said he had heard from us how important it is to have the right medication (bearing in mind all personal information and patient/carer views), at the right time (decreasing or increasing in a timely and agreed manner) and accompanied by the right information (helpful, accessible).

He also assured us that the culture of not properly consulting the person (and carers) and not giving information etc is past (or should be). That is not acceptable anymore. Discharge summaries and clinical letters should always be addressed to the patient (and copied to the carer if agreed) unless indicated otherwise and this will be brought up in appraisal and job planning. Mental Health Together Experts are working with the Pharmacy team in producing an empowering leaflet to replace previous material.

Therapeutic Relations betweenPatient and Psychiatrist
Therapeutic Relations betweenPatient and Psychiatrist page 2

Did you know?

Each Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust Community Mental Health team has an allocated team pharmacist. They can provide face to face or telephone appointments to discuss any issues or answer any questions you may have about your medication. In many situations they can also provide written information too if needed. Please note, the majority are not prescribers, so are unable to make changes to your prescription without speaking to your doctor. Please ask your care coordinator or consultant if you would like to speak to a pharmacist about any aspect of your medication.

Rebecca Keeler, Deputy Chief Pharmacist – Clinical Services, Derbyshire Healthcare

medication line image

New build in-patient mental health hospitals

Experts were recently invited to see the new the progress on the two new build in-patient mental health hospitals at Kingsway Hospital, Derby and Chesterfield Royal Hospital.

Reflecting on the visit our Expert Tony shared that he was impressed with both sites but that the Chesterfield site felt to him a slightly better design because the site has more green space available around it.

Nicole, Project Manager and Tony, Expert by Experience

Above, Nicole Ellis, Derwent Unit Project Manager at Derbyshire Healthcare and Tony, Expert by Experience. Thank you Tony for sharing the photos.

New build mental health in-patient hospital at Radbourne, Derby.

High Peak Engagement Group

On 11th July we held our latest High Peak engagement group meeting. It was well attended in person at Buxton Methodist Church, and we discussed many topics.

We received an update from Joanne Green, Manager of the Living Well service for High Peak residents. She was pleased to report that staffing levels are now good and stable which is enabling the team to work creatively to increase service offers which are valuable to clients. The High Peak team will be the first to trial an extension of referrals in include professionals other than GPs in the Autumn. Members of the group had suggestions for other treatment offers which have been successful for others. The local Hearing Voices group was also discussed, and encouragement given for the Living Well and community mental health teams to consider this for some clients. Ana Mankiewicz from the Grapevine Wellbeing Centre shared all the latest opportunities for wellbeing sessions.

Living Well / Derby Wellbeing

The modernising of Community Mental Health services for adults and older adults is available in all eight localities of Derbyshire.

With a person-centred approach, multi-agency Living Well teams enable a holistic approach encompassing people's full needs and providing support in different aspects of life such like housing, physical health or loneliness support.

Referrals can be made via GPs only at the time of release of this e-bulletin. 

Find out more information on the Living Well Derbyshire website.

If you, or somebody else is in crisis, you can ring the Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline and Support Service anytime 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for free on 0800 028 0077.

Capture of Living Well Derbyshire leaflet

Capture of the Living Well Derbyshire leaflet.

Other News

Chatterbox Café

Expert by Experience John co-created this fabulous well-being group, that takes place every Friday morning 10-11am at the Quad in Derby.

The well-being mental health support group is coming up to its 1st birthday in September and welcomes you to come along if you are in the city centre.

Perinatal and Maternity Support 

Having a child can be life changing. As many as 1 in 5 women and 1 in 10 men are affected by mental ill health during pregnancy, and up to two years after birth.

The Best Start team in Public Health have created a maternity and paternity wellbeing booklet. It is a great resource to send to employees, friends, volunteers or yourself who are going on, are on or have been on Maternity or Paternity leave with valuable information to support them. 

Also, Derbyshire Community Healthcare Service have launched a new perinatal mental health campaign. You can listen to the Bump in the Road podcast to hear about support for new parents.

Perinatal & Maternity Support Guide

Have your say in Adult Care Consultations 

There's still time for you to have a say in two consultations proposing changes to the way adult social care is delivered in Derbyshire. You can find out more here.

The consultation on options to redesign day opportunities and short breaks for adults with learning disabilities and/or autism closes on 21st August 2024. The consultation on options to redesign residential care and day opportunities for older people closes on 7th August 2024.

Derbyshire and Derby City Carers

The Derbyshire and Derby Diverse Carers Reports aim to provide insight into the experiences of Carers from ethnic minority communities in Derbyshire and Derby City; highlighting issues such as cultural challenges and barriers that lead to Carers feeling isolated, alone and excluded from services such as health and social care. 

Derbyshire Carers Association and Community Action Derby, share their thanks to Carers who generously shared their personal journeys.


  • Universal Services for Carers in Derby offer support for city carers in a variety of ways. As well as a helpline, wellbeing sessions, information sessions, and peer support groups; they can offer a more person-centred 'Carers Conversation'. 



  • Derby City and South Derbyshire Mental Health Carers Forum is a self-help group that support carers in Derby City, Erewash, Amber Valley, and South Derbyshire who look after loved ones with severe mental health difficulties. They meet on the third Friday of every month 11.30-2pm at The Oddfellows, Oddfellows Hall, 32 Charnwood Street, Derby DE1 2GU. The next date is Friday 16th August 2024. 


A multi-site study exploring how people from diverse multi-ethnic groups cope with multiple conditions including psychosis whilst managing adverse social and environmental circumstances. If you or someone you care for, might fit these criteria the Dept of Psychiatry would love to hear from you. You can visit their website for further information about the aims and potential outcomes of the research.

The first workshop is at the Quad in Derby on Wednesday 7th August, there are options to attend at 10am or 2pm or arrange to take part online at a later date. £20 payment is available per workshop and travel costs will be reimbursed. The carer workshops will be online only and arranged at a later date.

Note – you need to have been screened and approved as eligible for this study before turning up to the workshop. 

For more information, please email: co-pics@psych.ox.ac.uk

Department of Psychiatry

Grapevine Well-being Centre Buxton upcoming events

Tuesday 20 August at 6.30pm

"Keeping Safe Online" with Sarah Dufton, Digital Police Community Support Officer, Cyber Crime Unit, Derbyshire Police.  Find out how to do online shopping, banking or dating more safely.


Tuesday 27 August at 6.30pm

The Mental Health of Children and Young People” with Dr Myra Baker, a Clinical Psychologist working in the Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) for a local Hospital Trust.


Thursday 5 September at 6.30pm

Emotional Decluttering” with Georgina from For The Love Of Tidying.  (This is a repeat of the talk Georgina gave on Thursday 11 July).


Wednesday 25 September at 6.30pm

Mental Health and Being LGBTQ+” with Christine House, Psychotherapist and Chair of High Peak Pride. LGBTQ+ people are disproportionally affected by mental health problems. Why is this and how can things be improved?


You can book a place by emailing grapevinejanis@outlook.com or you can book on Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/grapevine-project-45939036893

Zink Update (including High Peak Foodbank)

View the Zink Update (including High Peak Foodbank) for July 2024.

There are great things happening every day at Zink HQ! Some examples: Tuesdays: Walking, gaming and Knit Happens, Friday: Vinyl Revival and School of Rock. Visit www.zink.org.uk to find out what else is on! The Eco-Café serves delicious meals from as little as £1.25 Tuesday to Friday and is open to all.

Thank you to everyone who supports Zink with donations of food, money and time. It’s because of your help that Zink is able to offer such a range of support to meet a variety of need and enable people to progress towards better futures and jobs. The foodbank at Zink currently needs tinned meat, sugar, custard, deodorant, ready meals (pouches or dried), tinned pulses and plastic bags.

Date in your diary for Well-being event

Join the Derbyshire Recovery and Peer Support Service for a day filled with stalls, presentations and information for the whole family at the Derbyshire Wellbeing Event.

Date : 20th September 2024

Time 10am till 2pm

Venue: Post Mill Centre, Market Street, Alfreton, DE55 2EJ

For more information, please email: eventsdrpss@rethink.org

Derbyshire well-being event

Wellbeing at Chatsworth - Summer and Autumn 2024

Derbyshire Mind are working in partnership with Chatsworth House Trust to host a selection of regular free mental wellbeing services. The Wellbeing at Chatsworth sessions have been designed to delight, inspire and support attendees with their mental health and wellbeing.

New Derbyshire Mind Walk and Talk Group - Thursday Mornings (fortnightly) – Queens Park Chesterfield  - Meet at 10.30am, at the Band Stand opposite the football courts (S40 2ND). You can find more information here.  You can keep up to date with days and times for their walks on the what’s on calendar.

Wellbeing at Chatsworth

Let's Chat Derbyshire

Let's Chat Derbyshire Podcast has episodes to listen to covering a wide range of experiences and support in mental health, suicide prevention and neurodiversity. 

Josie, from Mental Health Together recently saw Luke and Wendy at Derby Railway Station where Derbyshire Mental Health and Suicide Prevention and Samaritans were speaking to the public and sharing the importance of a conversation. 

Mental Health Together staff member with Let's Chat Derbyshire
Let's Chat Derbyshire Podcast

Joined Up Care Derbyshire

Joined Up Care Derbyshire produces a bi-monthly newsletter which provides important updates on health and care developments around the city and county.

View the latest edition and subscribe using the button below.



Borderline Derbyshire Newsletter

Derbyshire Borderline Personality Disorder Support Group is for anyone affected by Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) also known as Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (EUPD) in Derbyshire and beyond. View their website and latest newsletters.   


Mental Health Helpline and Support Service

The Freephone 24/7 mental health helpline and support service, ran by Derbyshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is open 24/7, 365 days a year on 0800 028 0077. The helpline team consists of staff from P3, as well as clinical staff from Derbyshire Healthcare. 

If the helpline team feel you would benefit from some face-to-face support, you may be invited to the ‘Safe Haven’, where you can continue to discuss your problems in a calm, welcoming environment with people who understand what you're going through. These centres in Derby and Chesterfield are open every evening from 4:30pm - 12:30am.

Recently, The Trust improved access for Deaf people.
SignVideo allows deaf people to make BSL interpreted videos calls via their electronic device.

First call 111 using the SignVideo app or SignVideo website. You will be connected via video link to a BSL interpreter. Please tell the BSL interpreter the name of the nearest town or city you are calling from.

The BSL interpreter will ask you if you want a physical health service or a crisis mental health service. If you choose 'crisis mental health service', the interpreter will contact the helpline team and will relay questions from the team using BSL.

For more information visit the Sign Video website’s FAQ page where a series of signed videos can also be found.


Derbyshire Mind Crisis Support Drop-In Services

The Crisis Support Drop-In Centres are friendly and supportive non-clinical drop-in spaces for adults experiencing mental health crisis or emotional distress in and around Buxton, Swadlincote and Ripley. Open every Friday & Saturday 6-11pm and Sunday 2:30pm-5:30pm. 

High Peak Crisis Support Service

Zink HQ, Clough Street (within Market Street Car Park),
Buxton, SK17 6LJ 
(Click Here for Google Map)

Ripley Crisis Support Service

The Croft, Slack Lane, Ripley, DE5 3HF. (Just off Ripley Market Place) (Click Here for Google Map)

Swadlincote Crisis Support Service

12-14 West Street, Swadlincote, DE11 9DG. (Opposite the old Empire Cinema) (Click Here for Google Map)

Derbyshire Mind Crisis Drop In Services

Emotional Health and Well-being

Getting support at the right time and knowing where to turn for help is so important. Check out the link to see what support is available on the Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing Website on https://bit.ly/mhsupportservices

Specialist Suicide Bereavement Support – for anyone affected by a death by suicide. The Tomorrow Project is here to help anyone bereaved or affected by suicide. They provide information, advice and emotional support to anyone:

  • of any age
  • who might be struggling following a suicide
  • supporting someone you are worried about following a suicide
  • regardless of relationship to the person they lost.
Support for emotional well-being

Text based services here for you

Text 'TOUGH' to 85258 for free, confidential text based support available 24/7.
More information below.

Text TOUGH to 85258 for free, confidential support 24/7
Contact Us

Are you someone with lived experience either individually or as a carer? You can shape and influence services and we welcome you as an Expert by Experience.

If you have any feedback, or questions, please email us at: ddicb.mentalhealthtogether@nhs.net

If you would like to subscribe then email us at: ddicb.mentalhealthtogether@nhs.net

 Mental Health Together on Facebook


 @MHTDerbys on X (formerly Twitter)

While every effort has been made to ensure the contents of this bulletin are accurate and up-to-date NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board do not accept any responsibility of any omission or inaccuracy as it is not deliberate. Nevertheless, we will appreciate provision of accurate information to improve our work. Where links are provided to external content, NHS Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board holds no responsibility for such content or accuracy.