MHT Experts
“Speaking out and sharing experiences is an essential part of being an Expert by Experience. In 2021, I was suffering with my bipolar disorder and at times felt suicidal.
“The waiting time was 8 months, and it simply was not and is not good enough. I spoke out about this, put together a presentation and delivered this to the suicide prevention teams. I talked about how the process, from start to finish had too many holes into it. It led to me supporting with the re-writing of letters sent out to patients to ensure that they contained all the necessary information a patient needs and to be more compassionate. These letters have now gone live.
“I truly believe that by myself and other Experts by Experience speaking out about what we know, what we have learned, and most importantly what we have experienced, we are in the very best place to guide change that will benefit all who suffer with mental health issues. I am proud to be an Expert by Experience and encourage anyone with lived experience to get involved and speak out. Together we can create change for the better.”